For assignment two I took two approaches for simulating water. My first attempt was to replicate the method in Particle-based Viscoelastic Fluid Simulation. I ended up with a working implemtation of their method without the viscoelasticity. My second approach solves the less general problem of shallow water dynamics, but ends up with a nice visual in the end..
This basically serves as a wrapper around openGL calls, and provides utility classes such as Vectors and Cameras. I still wrote all the shaders for this project as well as all of the particle system code.
I used this nice open souce underwater vegetation for a better effect with my water simulations.
I wanted to share more than one image from my shallow water method, so here is my album titled "The World is a Beautiful Place at Four in the Morning." If I had to choose one for the art contest I would submit the 4th one in the album aka "Bloooop blooop bloop blop plob plib".